Tuesday, October 11, 2011

NK on... Travian...?

Well, because of myself.... Three of us are playing Travian AND I'm owning at it. I'm about top 300 at the time of this post and my hero is ranked #21. I don't know how long I will be up there, but as long as I keep doing what I'm doing, I'm sure I'll be fine. The armies are coming together and I'm heading more towards offensive then defensive now. My defense base is already set up and I'm pumping out hundreds of troops. I'm also getting my Smithy to level 20.

As for Bear, he's just playing at his own pace. Not really winning, but not exactly losing either.

Crookedstep is advancing quickly. I'm also supplying LOTS of wood to Cuntsville. lol...

War is upon us. PREPARE YOSELVES!

My personal referral link:   http://www.travian.com/?uc=com4_957